Marijuana Can Benefit Millions In Pain


Amendment 2, also known as the right to medical cannabis, would allow legalization under certain conditions. Patients and caregivers would have access to registered marijuana treatment centers if they were issued a license from a doctor (Ballotpedia 2014). An individual cannot obtain a medical marijuana license. An individual must be diagnosed with a "debilitating condition" such as cancer, HIV, or Glaucoma. The Florida Department of Health would regulate marijuana. It would issue identification cards and establish procedures to allow patients to access treatment CBD Oil UK centers. These sections will discuss the pros and cons of the program, as well how the poor can access it if they don’t have the funds. My personal views on Amendment 2 and legalizing cannabis will be discussed.

Medical marijuana has many health benefits, including relief from chronic pain or stress relief following a hectic day. Medical marijuana can be used to treat some symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting. It also has the potential to relieve pain from cancer or AIDS. CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta said that marijuana is safe and has legitimate uses. Gupta stated that marijuana can sometimes work. Arthritis is common in older adults. This disease is not curable. The symptoms can be relieved by marijuana. In 2006, Rheumatology reported that CBM (cannabis based medicine) had statistically significant improvements in pain movement, pain at rest and quality of sleep. Although medical marijuana has many legitimate benefits, there are still some who disagree and feel legalizing it would be detrimental to society.

Amendment 2 and legalization for marijuana are opposed by those who fear that it will lead to increased crime. Bishop Ron Allen said that legalizing marijuana would result in more crime and poverty for Berkeley. He said that marijuana has exactly the same effects on the pleasure centre in the brain that heroin and crack cocaine. (OpposingViews 2014). Mason Tvert, a supporter for marijuana, disagrees. Allen claims that he doesn't understand what he meant and that marijuana is more addictive and less toxic than other drugs. Tvert states that there are many medical associations across the country and that marijuana can be used to treat serious illnesses. A study by the University of Texas at Dallas found that legalizing marijuana could decrease robbery, murder and other criminal acts (Ferner 2014).

The danger of marijuana becoming a gateway drug to heroine and cocaine is another problem. The Eagle Forum states that marijuana users often resort to other drugs to get high because their body's levels of THC are constantly changing (ProCon 2014). Sue Rosche, President of National Families in Action, stated that the issue was covered extensively in the media. According to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, California's teens heard it and have seen their marijuana use increase by nearly one-third, from 6.5% to 9.2%. It's still rising: 1997-6.8%, 1998-7.4 and 1999-8.4%. Even though marijuana use is on the rise and has been legalized in some states; how will low-income families afford it?

California's City of Berkeley has recently introduced a new law that will require marijuana dispensaries in California to donate 2% of the proceeds to low-income people starting in August next year (OpposingViews). This law could also be useful in other states, such as Florida, if they decide to legalize cannabis. The donation law gives the opportunity to poor people to obtain the marijuana they need. California sells it for at least $400 an ounce. This is the street price of medical marijuana. Some forms of medical marijuana, such as extract and liquid, can be more costly. People with serious medical conditions such as the elderly have access to medical cannabis under state regulation.

All evidence supports medical marijuana's incredible benefits. I vote for amendment 2. My grandmother suffers from epilepsy. I believe that prescribed marijuana can be used to treat her condition and any other patients with similar symptoms. Is it not possible to allow her to take a tablet or give the same amount to other patients? The Epilepsy Foundation released a statement supporting the right of epilepsy patients to receive medical care that is directed by a physician. My research shows that marijuana is not fatal. Florida has all the facts to legalize medical cannabis.



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