Marijuana Advances Of The 21st Century

Jayden David, a six year old with Dravet syndrome, was given liquefied cannabis drops by the company in 2012. For the first time since he was four months old, Jayden was able to go a whole day without having seizures. Jayden was prescribed 22 anti-seizure pills per day. Jayden became immobile from side effects of the anti-seizure pills. Jayden is now able to run and play like a child again, thanks to non-psychoactive marijuana strains. Jayden can now benefit, as can millions of other people around the world, from high-cannabinoid and high CBD cannabis strains' medical properties. Cannabinoids are the main chemical constituents in marijuana. High CBD cannabis strains have been created through many experiments and researches in recent years. THC has been removed from a lot of these strains. It's not difficult to see how inhaling marijuana smoke can cause harm to your health. Patients don't have to smoke marijuana...